Updating the integrated development planning for schools in the city of Frankfurt a.M.
Project outline
The population development in the city of Frankfurt a. M. has been showing a positive trend for around 15 years. In 2005, around 652,000 people lived in Frankfurt a. M.; in 2019, current forecasts indicate that there will be around 100,000 more people. If this trend continues, there will be around 810,000 people living in the city in 2030 and around 830,000 in 2040. And the proportion of children and young people in the total population is also rising. This growth has direct consequences for the demand for school places for children and young people. For this reason, the integrated school development plan (iSEP) has been updated annually in design field 1 (establishment, organizational change and discontinuation of schools) since 2016.
In preparation for the update in 2020, the basic logic of the forecasts and needs analyses was scientifically examined and evaluated. The result is a new school development planning system based on the three pillars of forecasting, monitoring and control. The aim of this project is to transfer the previous iSEP of the city of Frankfurt a.M. into the new system and to formulate the first 'new' iSEP 2020 until 2029 in cooperation with the city of Frankfurt a.M..
Additional information
2020 until 2021
school development planning, integrated school development planning, SEP, student forecast, school board, Hessen, Frankfurt
Kerstin Schneider (project lead)
Anna Makles (project lead, contact person)
Franz Westermaier
Kevin J. Zuchanek
- Makles, A. M. & Schneider, K. (2019): Überarbeitung der Grundlogik der integrierten Schulentwicklungsplanung 2020 der Stadt Frankfurt am Main. Gutachten, WIB, Bergische Universität Wuppertal. [download]
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